
Group Exhibition | Villagy Trilogy


carlier | gebauer is pleased to announce Villagy Trilogy, a collaborative exhibition by Glasgow-based artists Max Brand, Joanne Robertson and Jasper Baydala.

“We drove up to Penzance, along the narrow, single-lane road with the high thornbushes on either side, and pulled into the turn-offs when a car approached, or they would pull over and flash their lights which was the signal for us to keep coming – and so we would – and give a thank-you wave as we passed. It was hot so we drove with the windows rolled down, and we listened to this CD we got in Mousehole, which was heavy, and Jo only liked that one song, and when it was nearly over she pressed ‘previous’ and the song played again. I was driving and Jo was navigating. This was before we had any way of attaching the phone to the dashboard, so Jo was holding it, watching our location progress, and calling out ‘left’ or ‘right’ usually at the last second. We came into Penzance through the back way and turned up the waterfront past the fishing boats and pulled into the train station, looking for Max. We’d looked him up, but weren’t able to find his picture, so we didn’t know what he looked like, but there was a big man in track pants and a hawaiian shirt standing on the curb with a floppy suitcase, and he cocked his head when we pulled into the parking lot, and curled his lip as we pulled up beside him. It was Max, and we rammed his suitcase in the trunk, and Jo got in the back, and I slid the seat way back, and he got in, and I put the car in gear and drove around the parking lot and met the road, and we crossed through town and came back onto the narrow, single-lane road.” Jasper Baydala, May 2018.

Installation Views

  • Max Brand, Joanne Robertson and Jasper Baydala, Villagy Trilogy, exhibition view at carlier | gebauer, 2018
    Photo: Trevor Good

  • Max Brand, Joanne Robertson and Jasper Baydala, Villagy Trilogy, exhibition view at carlier | gebauer, 2018
    Photo: Trevor Good